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This contents list is sub divided into the following sections, each Section contains relevant Chapters/Procedures: (Click on the title to jump to the Section you require):

  1. Core Procedures where there are Concerns about a Child's Safety and Welfare
  2. Children in Specific Circumstances
  3. Policy Framework and Protocols
  4. Practice Guidance
  5. Safe Workforce
  6. Learning and Improvement
  7. Child Death
  8. The Local Safeguarding Children Partnership
  9. Appendices and Local Contacts

1. Core Procedures where there are Concerns about a Child's Safety and Welfare


Multi Agency Threshold Descriptors

1.1.1 Pan Dorset Continuum of Need  
1.1.2 Sexually Harmful Behaviour Levels of Need  



Referring Safeguarding Concerns about Children

1.2.1 Referrals  
1.2.2 Responding to Abuse and Neglect  
1.2.3 Neglect  
1.2.4 Child Sexual Abuse in the Family Environment  
1.2.5 Underage Sexual Activity  
  See also: Early Intervention: Policy and Provision (House of Commons Library)  




1.3.1 Assessment  



Child Protection - Investigation and Conferences

1.4.1 Child Protection Enquiries Updated
1.4.2 Child Protection Conferences  
1.4.3 Child Protection Plans and Core Groups  
1.4.4 Pan Dorset Safeguarding Children Partnership Complaints Procedure  

2. Children in Specific Circumstances


Safeguarding Children at Risk due to their Behaviour or Vulnerability

2.1.1 Child Sexual Exploitation  
2.1.2 Abuse by Children and Young People  
2.1.3 Safeguarding Disabled Children  
2.1.4 Bullying  
2.1.5 Online Safety - Children Exposed to Abuse through the Digital Media  
2.1.6 Supporting Children and Young People Vulnerable to Violent Extremism  
2.1.7 Self Harm and Suicidal Behaviour  
2.1.8 Gang Activity, Youth Violence and Criminal Exploitation Affecting Children  
2.1.9 Harmful Sexual Behaviour  
2.1.10 Child Criminal Exploitation  



Safeguarding Children at Risk because of Concern About a Parent or Carer

2.2.1 Concealment and Denial of Pregnancy  
2.2.2 Bruising and other injuries in Babies and non-mobile Children - under review  
2.2.3 Children of Parents who Misuse Substances  
2.2.4 Safeguarding Children where a Parent has a Learning Disability  
2.2.5 Safeguarding Children where a Parent has a Mental Health Problem  
2.2.6 Domestic Abuse  
2.2.7 Spiritual, Cultural and Religious Beliefs  
2.2.8 Safeguarding Girls and Young Women at Risk of Abuse through Female Genital Mutilation Updated
2.2.9 Safeguarding Children and Young People from Forced Marriage  
2.2.10 Safeguarding Children and Young People from 'Honour Based' Abuse  
2.2.11 Safeguarding Children in Whom Illness is Fabricated or Induced/Perplexing Presentations  
2.2.12 Children Visiting Prisons  
2.2.13 Children Visiting Psychiatric Wards and Facilities  



Safeguarding Children at Risk because of Living Away from Home or Missing or Moving Across Boundaries

2.3.1 Children and Families that go Missing (including Unborn Children)  
2.3.2 Children Missing from Care, Home and Education  
2.3.3 Children Missing Education  
2.3.4 Safeguarding Children with a Social Worker, Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children at School  
2.3.5 Children and Families Moving Across Local Authority Boundaries or Abroad  
2.3.6 Children Living Away from Home (such as in Foster Care, being Privately Fostered, in a Residential Setting, Hospital, Custody or Living in Temporary Accommodation with Family)  
2.3.7 Transitional Safeguarding  



Safeguarding Children from Abroad, including Victims of Modern Slavery, Trafficking and Exploitation

2.4.1 Safeguarding Children from Abroad, including Victims of Modern Slavery, Trafficking and Exploitation - under review Updated

3. Policy Framework and Protocols

3.1 Information Sharing  
3.2 Escalation Policy Updated

4. Practice Guidance

4.1 Engaging Families Updated
4.2 Organised and Complex Abuse  
4.3 Working with Interpreters and others with Special Communication Skills  
4.4 Managing Individuals who Pose a Risk to Children  
4.5 Dangerous Dogs and Safeguarding Children Updated
4.6 Good Practice Supporting the Voice of the Child  
4.7 Licensing Premises  

5. Safe Workforce

5.1 Safer Recruitment and Employment  
5.2 Allegations Against Staff, Carers and Volunteers  
5.3 Whistleblowing or Raising Concerns at Work  

6. Learning and Improvement

6.1 Learning and Improvement Framework  
6.2 Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews  

7. Child Death

7.1 Child Death Reviews  

8. The Local Safeguarding Children Partnership

8.1 Pan-Dorset Safeguarding Children Partnership - Role and Function  
8.2 Agency Roles and Responsibilities  
8.3 Pan Dorset Safeguarding Children Partnership Complaints Procedure  
8.4 Parent or Carer Involved in Sex Work
(Pan Sussex Child Protection and Safeguarding Procedures)
8.5 Serious Case Review Learning - Parents Working in the Sex Industry  

9. Appendices and Local Contacts

9.1 Key and Local Contacts  
9.2 NICE Guidelines  
9.3 BCP and Dorset Adults Safeguarding Procedures  
9.4 Amendments